Divalicious Freebie Kit

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

I have a new Freebie kit for you today, well its not new lol its another old PTU kit, but I'm sure it'll be new to some of you :o)

You can grab it HERE please let me know you snagged.

Anyway, hope you like it!


Twinky xx

New Tut - Live to Ride

Monday, 30 August 2010

I have a new tut up on my site, its called 'Live to Ride' and uses a PTU kit & Tube.

You can find the tut HERE

Hope you like it!


Twinky xx

New Tut Play it Loud

Friday, 13 August 2010

I have a new Tut on my site for those of you who are interested, its called Play it Loud and you can find it HERE

Hope you like it!


Twinky xx

Rock Star Freebie Kit

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Well I hope everyone is well, been busy as usual with the Summer Holidays and the kids home but have managed to dig out another old PTU kit that I am now going to offer you all for free!!

Its called Rock Star and you can grab it HERE

Hope you like it!


Twinky xx

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