Dear Santa Freebie Scrap Kit

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Hi Everyone,

I'm back with another old PTU turned Freebie for you all. Its called Dear Santa and is perfect for this time of year.

You can grab it HERE please let me know you snagged :o)

Hope you enjoy using it!


Twinky xx

New Tut Nurse Feel Good

Monday, 22 November 2010

Another new tut for you, this is called Nurse Feel Good and you can find it HERE

It is Animated so visit the tut to view properly.

Have fun if you decide to try it!


Twinky xx

New Tut Classy and Fabulous

Monday, 15 November 2010

I have a new tut on my site, its called Classy and Fabulous. It is animated, if you can't see the animation here, visit the tut link to view.

You can find it HERE

Hope you like it!


Twinky xx

New Tut Witchy Woo

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

I have a new Tut on my site, its called Witchy Woo and you can find it HERE

Have fun!


Twinky xx

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